Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #2
Hebrews was a sermon (“word of exhortation” – 13:22) to believers who were wearing out. An apt image to describe them was: “feeble arms and weak knees” (12:12). Formerly, they’d been on fire and endured whatever came their way; now, they were needing to hang on (10:32-36).
Perhaps some of us can identify! Whether its weariness from rejection in society (as in Hebrews) or struggles in church leadership or the political divide that has cut through our churches—well, I’d guess many can identify with the image of a runner who’s about to collapse.
What a brilliant reminder to us that Hebrews begins with an exalted view of Jesus—the Son who became a human, suffered and died, rose, was exalted to the presence of God, and who still intercedes for us.
The book of Hebrews begins with what seems like a ticker-tape parade. Jesus, the human now resurrected, is seated and enthroned at God’s right hand (1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2). Angels those ministering spirits sent to minister to God’s people (1:14)—worship him!
You are not alone, dear friends. The Resurrected Son is now interceding for you (7:25); he is your forerunner showing the way (12:1-3), your high priest who understands your weaknesses (2:17-18; 4:14-16; 5:7-10), your savior who invites you to draw near to God (10:22).
Be blessed, my friends. You. Are. Not. Alone.