Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #4

The Advent Season is such a gift to church members.

Well, except maybe for the minister! For us in can be so hectic: so much planning, so much extra work, so many lessons to prepare. And if we aren’t careful, we hardly have a chance to reflect on the Comings of the Lord ourselves.

In the sermon we know as the book of Hebrews, the humanity of Jesus is essential. Unlike the angels, Jesus became (and is!) a human being. “He himself suffered when tempted” (2:18). “He too shared in [our] humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil” (2:14).

And now? Well, now we are waiting for the risen and exalted Son to appear a second time “to bring salvation”—as in, our ultimate salvation in God’s new, ordered world (9:28).

So may I gently encourage you to find your own time to contemplate this mystery. Think about the story of God. Dwell on his love in Christ. Immerse yourself in the wonder of a living Christ who will return. Marvel that God took on skin and bones. Accept the Hebrews writer’s urging (10:19-25) to:

(1)   Draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings;

(2)   Hold unswervingly to the hope we profess; and

(3)   Consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds

In the words of the 19th century minister, Phillips Brooks:

            No ear may hear his coming,

            But in this world of sin,

            Where meek souls will receive him still

            The dear Christ enters in.

May you feast on this wonder, my friends!




Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #5


Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #3