Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #3

“We don’t see.”

The Hebrews writer (2:8) nails it for me. I believe that all things are subject to the risen Jesus; but I don’t (yet) see it.

Ministry is full of heartbreak. People we disciple fail miserably; beloved folks we pray for suffer and die; leaders obsess on stuff that doesn’t matter; evil seems to triumph over good.

Perhaps that’s why faith in Hebrews is so similar to endurance and is described this way: “the assurance about what we do not see” (11:1).

We minister during the time between the death/resurrection/exaltation of Jesus and his Second Coming. It’s appropriate, then, that we are described as “those who are waiting for him” (9:28).

My friends, your struggles, temptations, disappointments, and failures are all part of this in-between time. (By the way, Psalm 110:1 was so important to the early church. I wonder how challenging that little word “until” was to them!)

We don’t yet see everything we might expect to see in light of the Resurrection. . . . and yet, we do see Jesus (2:9).

Your words are not in vain! Your life and ministry matter! You, like the saints of Hebrews 11, are modeling for others the life of faith which keeps running, step-by-step, knowing that one day God will make all things right.

Even when you can’t see it all now!

Be blessed!



Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #4


Reflections on Hebrews and Ministry #2